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Learn from India’s best teachers equipped with diverese digital techniques
A blended program that allows students to split their time between a traditional classroom and an online one.
The curriculum ensures special inputs for the students adept at any field from Languages, Mathematics, Science and Technology or Performing Arts. We take care of the increasing range of opportunities and the astounding variety of careers opening up due to the phenomenal developments. 
Through age appropriate learning experiences and opportunities K-12 & Beyond aims to inculcate in children a desire to play, explore, experience, inquire ,learn, not just in the classroom , but at all times, making it an on-going process through life thus creating a life-long love for learning. 

The values that guide us are integrity, responsibility, empathy, sustainability, peace, equity, community and trust. Education with us completely child centric and every child acquires knowledge, values and life skills. The school endeavors to provide for holistic development by providing wide range of learning experiences.

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Regularly scheduled online and private sessions to cover entire syllabus of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE & IB for grade I till XII.
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Foundational Program

Grade: Pre School Till II

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) from age 3 is included, which is aimed at promoting better overall learning, development, and well-being of Kids.

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Preparatory Program

Grade: III Till V

We make students understand the concepts in those ways which are best for them. Delivering customized learning based on the student's learning pace

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Middle Grade Program

Grade: VI Till VIII

Regularly scheduled Online and Private sessions to cover entire syllabus of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE & IB for grade VI till VIII. 

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Secondary Program

Grade: IX Till XII

Regularly scheduled Online and Private sessions to cover entire syllabus of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE & IB for grade IX till XII. 

Expert Tutors

Expert tutor's to increase overall learning experience of your kid

Affordable Price

Our rates are guaranteed to be the most affordable

Test Series

We do periodic assessments to track progress & growth

High Quality Tutoring

Our expert tutor's approach goes beyond traditional tutoring

Personal Attention

Interactive one to one sessions for personal growth and care

Packaged Courses

Wide variety of handpicked Educational Courses

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Image by Ivan Shilov

Language Program

We teach Languages to kids ages 

4 to18. We believe learning through play is the best way.


Coding Program

We teach coding to kids ages 

4 to18. We believe learning through play is the best way.

Dance Class

Skill based Program

We provide  skill based trainings to kids aged 4 to18. 

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